- Sprinkler Systems
- Hose Reels Systems
- Landing Valves Systems
- Deluge Systems
- Foam Systems
- FM 200 Systems
- Hydrant Systems
- Fire Pumps & Controls
- Piping for Sprinklers systems
Sprinkler Systems
A fire sprinkler system is an active fire protection method, consisting of a water supply system, providing adequate pressure and flowrate to a water distribution piping system, onto which fire sprinklers are connected.
The Upright, Pendent Sprinklers all produce a hemispherical water distribution pattern below the deflector Sprinkler operation.
During a fire conditions, the thermal-sensitive liquid in the glass bulb expands, causing the bulb to shatter, releasing the button and spring seal assembly.
Hose Reels Systems
A fire hose (or firehose) is a high-pressure hose that carries water or other fire retardant (such as foam) to a fire to extinguish it. Outdoors, it attaches either to a fire engine or a fire hydrant.
Indoors, it can permanently attach to a building's standpipe or plumbing syste A Hose Reel is a cylindrical spindle made of either metal, fiberglass, or plastic and is used for storing a hose.
The most common styles of hose reels are spring driven (which is self-retracting), hand crank, or motor driven.
Landing Valves Systems
A firefighting landing valve is a core part of the hose system that acts as a manual stop valve giving you complete control over your firefighting system.
By rotating the landing valve handle anti-clockwise, you can simply activate the water flux in the firefighting system.
Deluge Systems
A deluge fire sprinkler system is similar to a pre-action system except the sprinkler heads are open and the pipe is not pressurized with air. ...
Deluge systems are used in places that are considered high hazard areas such as power plants, aircraft hangars and chemical storage or processing facilities.
Foam Systems
A compressed air foam system (CAFS) is used in firefighting to deliver fire retardant foam for the purpose of extinguishing a fire or protecting unburned areas. .
The foam blankets the fuel, thereby reducing the fuel’s capacity to seek out a source of oxygen.
FM 200 Systems
FM200 is a synthetic/chemical fire suppression gas and extinguishes a fire by removing the free radicals or heat elements from the fire triangle. (Oxygen, Heat and Fuel). The typical concentration of an FM200 system is normally between 7.9% to 8.5%.
FM200 are Stored as a liquid in a pressurized cylinders, flow through a piping network to a discharge nozzle where it is deployed as a gas.
FM-200 fire extinguishing systems are designed to be discharged within 10 seconds into a room, area, or enclosure with the structural integrity to retain the agent.
The FM-200 uniformly mixes throughout the protected area achieving a minimum concentration level in accordance with NFPA 2001 and/or agency listings
Hydrant Systems
A fire hydrant is a visible fixture placed inside or outside a building, parking area, industrial area, mine, roadside, etc. that is connected to the municipal or a private water service network. Fire hydrants are designed to instantly provide from its nozzle the water required by fire fighters to extinguish a fire.
A fire hydrant, also called a fireplug.
Fire Pumps & Controls
A fire pump is a part of a fire sprinkler system's water supply and powered by electric, diesel or steam. The pump intake is either connected to the public underground water supply piping, or a static water source (e.g., tank, reservoir). Fire pumps are usually housed in a pump room very close to the fire tanks. ... The pumps are controlled by pressure sensors. When a fire fighter opens a hydrant, or when a sprinkler comes on, water gushes out of the system and the pressure drops. The pressure sensors will detect this drop and switch the fire pumps on.
Piping for Sprinklers systems:
Firefighting pipe is a type of normal carbon steel pipe used to convey fire suppression agent such as water or gas. Usually it is red in color. But light-wall pipes have a galvanized exterior of a silvery appearance. Installation of red steel pipe is limited to wet pipe sprinkler systems only.
The most commonly used steel pipe for sprinkler systems is black steel pipe. Copper tubing is another piping material listed for sprinklers in NFPA 13. Also, plastic pipe (namely, CPVC and PEX tubing) is permitted for certain types of sprinkler systems.