عبد الغفور

I enjoy working here for the professionalism in the environment. We are not treated as a number, but as part of the company and what I like best about this company is how focused it is on its people. I have a lot of freedom to set my goals and work towards them. Ideas are always welcomed and innovation is encouraged. The working environment is very flexible, I have had a lot of opportunities to learn about new technologies and build my experience with much consideration for the employees' professional and personal needs. MEPCO focuses on the employees' overall growth, not just professional performance.

محمد عبدالعال

منذ اول يوم عمل لى كمهندس كهرباء بدولة الكويت فقد وضعت نصب عينى اهداف و طموحات قررت ان اعمل بجد على تحسين و تطوير مهاراتى و خبراتى فى مجال عملى و هذا تتطلب منى البحث دوما على شركة التى من خلالها استطيع تحقيق ليس كل اهدافى بل على الاقل معظمها . لهذه الاسباب, فقد وافقت على العمل بشركة مبكو حيث وجدت الفكر الاحترافى العملى الذى احتضن و احترم افكارى و تصوراتى فى تطوير اسلوب العمل مما ادى الى تحقيق التطور و التقدم فى مجال عملى بالشركة خلال فترة عملى الغير طويلة بالشركة و التى لا تزيد عن عام و نصف فقط مما اتاح لى تحقيق هدف من اهم اهدافى و هى العمل بشركه مصنفة درجة اولى فى مجال مكافحة و انذار الحريق. لذا فاننى اتمنى الاستمرار بالعمل بجهد و الاحساس بالتقدير لما اقوم به من قبل ادارة الشركة و تقديم الدعم لى لتحقيق اهدافى و طموحاتى فى المستقبل .

شاهد جافد

Working at MEPCO has been a great experience. I am very proud to be part of such a respected and successful company as MEPCO. One of the great advantages of working at MEPCO has been the opportunity to work in various departments and to be involved in many different projects. I've learned a lot from the very smart and dedicated people that work here. I can proudly say that I work for an organization that encourages you to be innovative, gives you the freedom to do things the way you want to within company policy, and teaches you things that no business school can. For these reasons, I agreed to work with MEPCO Where I found the thought pragmatic professional who respects my thoughts and my perceptions which led to development and improvement of the performance and status of the company During the short period of practical and that not more thana yearand a half which gave methe opportunity to achievemy goalis that the work of the first grade firefighting companyin the field of practical.